
  • 独立

    独立包装咨询, 有责任给每个客户的提供包装解决方案,工作,为客户企业 - 端到端.

  • 项目工作

    TPG的工作包括英国, 欧洲和全球项目覆盖 - 航空公司, 动物饲料, 汽车, 卫浴陶瓷, 饮料和烈酒, 建筑产品, 化学品和油漆, 咖啡和面包零售, 通讯, ELECTRICALS和照明, 糕饼, 一次性用品, 餐饮, 农产品和乳制品, 家具, DIY领域, 家用和洗涤剂, 工业和工程, 厨房电器, 药品和医疗产品, 塑料, 零售商和B2B / B2C, 技术等.

  • 既定

    自1990年以来TPG一直经营,目前在伦敦的设施, 欧洲和远东地区.

  • 经验

    本公司为降低封装成本项目领域的领导者, 技术创新和问题解决, 创意和具有成本效益的结构包装设计. 我们努力改善材料技术及其性能; 它的可持续性和对环境的影响. 我们与室内操作CAD和原型开发和设计各部门. 我们已经建立了全球供应商/转换器数据基地和区宽, 包装成本分析程序通过 厚的®.

  • 独特


  • 球队

    我们的团队是由大盘蓝筹股组成的专业 - 封装厂商, 用户企业和创意机构.

  • Stephen Mills

    Stephen is founder of TPG and has the widest packaging development experience, having worked in foods, pharmaceuticals, b2c and consumables.

  • Roger Snell

    Roger, previously, managing director of several packaging converter plants is now responsible for SE Asia and global projects.

  • Tom Mills

    Tom heads up innovation, design and sustainbility for TPG. He has won the German Red Dot Award for the Drift Action Camera Pack and has managed TPG projects for Bowers & Wilkins, DK品牌, Starbucks, Neptune and Astro Lighting.

  • Richard Clark

    Richard was previously group design head of pack development for SCA. Richard is based in France and coordinates European projects.

  • Sarah Jones

    Sarah is our creative artwork & print specialist familiar with all substrates and print processes, glass, flexibles to cartons.

  • Alan Townsend

    Alan is part of our team working on global projects and specialising in packaging legislation, performance and logistics.